Adina Tarry: EXECUTIVE COACH OF THE YEAR 2016 – LONDON – Corporate Vision Award
– Excellence in the use of coaching for performance improvement
– Excellence in the use of psychology for well-being and effectiveness in the workplace
Tarry, A. (2024) Disrupting reckless consumption by sustainable demand and shared prosperity in business practice, Fractal Publications.
Tarry, A. (2023) Nine things AI can’t do for your future career but you can, Fractal Publications
Tarry, A. (2020) Design Thinking for Smaller Enterprise Development: a SOCIETALbyDesign® Model for Adaptation to a Digital Age, Routledge.
Tarry, A. (2019) Coaching with careers and AI in mind: grounding a hopeful and resourceful self fit for a digital world. Abingdon: Routledge.
Tarry, A. (2006) The new order at the edge of chaos: a unified coaching perspective on the complexities of evolving systems. Fractal Publications ISBN 978-0-9554716-0-5. Introducing a new integrative coaching model based on desk research for my MSc Dissertation – with Merit – in 2005/06
Tarry, A. (2018) The fourth revolution: Ethics and technology must shake hands. But can they? And what had this got to do with coaches? Coaching at work 13 (4), July-Aug, pg, 39-41.)
Tarry, A. (2018) Coaching and technology: Revolution or co-evolution?, Coaching at Work, 13(5), Sept.–Oct., pp. 40–43.
Tarry, A. (2009) The future of HR Management: Revolution or evolution? Management in the New Economy; classic and modernity, Druck und Verlag Europaische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften, Hannover ISBN: 978-3-00-030170-4
Tarry, A. (2008) “Soft” aspects of quality, the real “hard” key indicator for organisational success, Bucharest, Romanian national journal for quality management Calitatea –acces la succes, anul 9, nr. 93/2008
Tarry, A. (2008) Mental health and organizational coaching, People and Organisations at work/BPS, London, ISSN 1746-4188.
“Achieving business success through Enabling Leadership, 2012, Adina Tarry, British Romanian Chamber of Commerce
“Quality as a psychological construct”, Spring 2012, Adina Tarry, The non-Significant journal of Business & consumer psychology, vol. 1.1
“Balancing budgets with people in mind” 2012, Adina Tarry, British Romanian Chamber of Commerce
“Complexity and the leadership of the future”, 2011, Adina Tarry, UK Management Observatory for Leadership and Innovation Excellence (MOLIE) publication of the Leadership Academy, University of Surrey
“The interdependence of leadership, quality and innovation in organisations”, 2010, Adina Tarry, UK Management Observatory for Leadership and Innovation Excellence (MOLIE) publication of the Leadership Academy, University of Surrey
“Soft” aspects of quality, the real “hard” key indicator for organisational success, Bucharest 2008, Adina Tarry, Romanian national journal for quality management Calitatea –acces la succes, anul 9, nr. 93/2008
“Mental health and organizational coaching”, 2008, magazine People and Organisations at work/BPS, London, ISSN 1746-4188.
Book chapter For European volume: ” The future of HR Management: Revolution or evolution?” for volume “Management in the New Economy; classic and modernity”, Druck und Verlag Europaische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften, 2009, Adina Tarry, Hannover ISBN: 978-3-00-030170-4
Speaker – Topics
Psychology for Business success
“Psychology and Innovation” -lecture for MA Students, Visiting Lecturer, Academy of Economic Sciences, School of Marketing, Bucharest, Romania – November 2008
“The importance of psychology in business”– lecture for undergraduate student, Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Psychology, Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania – November 2008
Complexity theory in business and Coaching
“The Unified Theory of Coaching and The Unified Coaching Model” and the book “The new order at the edge of chaos”, The Postgraduate Business Psychology Conference, University of Westminster – London. – 29 February 2008
“People interactions and complex evolving systems” a presentation on coaching and human systems through the complex evolving systems perspective with a Unified Theory of Coaching. Part of the ‘Culture Power’ programme: a suite of seminars/discussion paper presentations, followed by facilitated dialogues with an invited audience. Romanian Cultural Centre in London. – July 2007
“The Unified Theory of Coaching” and “The Unified Coaching Model” and the book “The new order at the edge of chaos”, Annual Conference, The Association of Business Psychologists – UK. – 10-12 May 2007
“A Unified Theory of Coaching and The Unified Coaching Model” – Focused paper presentation, SGCP International Coaching Psychology Conference, London. Introducing the book “The new order at the edge of chaos” – 18th December 2006
International HRM
“ Agile Business Group- May 2018
Coaching for organizational effectiveness” – International Business psychology conference – Higher School of Economics, Moscow University, October 2013
“Employee Engagement” – Yaroslavl University, Business Psychology Practitioners – Yaroslavl October 2013
“What is Talent Management” – Chartered Institute of Management Accountants – June 2011
“Cross cultural competency for business advantage” – panelist, webinar for IERG/USA – March 2011
“Career Management Magic!” – Right Management – May 2006
“Culture and onions, what have they got in common?” Association of Business Psychologists – September 2005
“Talent Management in organizations” – Chartered Institute of Management Accountants – London Branch – December 2009.
Quality management and HR
“The meaning and purpose of the Auditor’s role and how to make a real difference” – presentation to an international group of auditors (10 countries) – Best Cities Alliance – April 2015
“What makes a successful auditor: technical vs. soft skills ?” – Presentation for international auditors group (8 countries) – BestCities Alliance- February 2014 London
“Soft aspects of quality, an integral part of business psychology” – Presentation for the Association of Business Psychologists (ABP) – 27 January 2009
“Soft” aspects of quality, the real “hard” key indicator for organisational success., International Conference on quality “Quality-Innovation- European integration”- Sibiu/Romania – September 2008
“Valuing the individual: the one core of Quality Management, HRM and Business Psychology” – presentation at the graduates conference, University of Westminster, 2010.