Unique Offering

Unique Offering

IN MY CLIENTS’ WORDS…and my own…

The remarkable quality she (Adina) displayed in understanding the essence and imperatives of other functions or departments…even for technical functions she had no experience or technical knowledge of.

“Adina’s ability to integrate her own experience, with that of others…a significant and unusual capability that contributes to the high quality of her work”

Adina cumulates personal business experience, education in psychology and a wide cross cultural experience which not many coaches have”. 

“Non-judgmental and enthusiastic response to new ideas…analytical and insightful mind…ability to generate fresh and interesting perspectives…extensive experience of different work sectors…willingness to share.”


I describe myself as a polymath, and I enjoy creatively and effectively drawing from multiple areas of expertise and experience accumulate over my international life and career:

-International business experience with IBM, Alcatel, Johnson&Johnson;, Bristol Myers Squibb;
-Specialist knowledge in audit and compliance, business analysis, process optimisation, supply chain, manufacturing, international trade, business mentoring;
-Talent management including recruitment, development, retention, skills renewal, HR strategy;

Professional coaching, trained and top accredited with 2800+ hours of practice in career, executive, business and personal coaching;
-Business psychology, senior practitioner, experienced in assessments, psychometrics, competencies mapping, job analysis, leadership development;
-Technology savvy, early adopter and enthusiast of science and technology, with integrated contextual knowledge of neuroscience, psychology, complex evolving systems theory, biology and the digital world

-Arts and cultures: from music and film to architecture, painting, dance and languages, across countries and continents


The difference that makes my work valuable and unique isn’t so much the individual elements, as described above, but the breath of each and the power of all of them together.

I enjoy using all these strands by applying a creative integrative mindset, remaining curious, keeping my knowledge current and constantly learning from diverse sources to reframe and update my view of the world and enhance the quality of my work.

To do this, I happily invest myself to follow new thought, research and latest successful practices across all domains, and use my creativity to find ways to apply this new knowledge to support others’ (clients or friends) lives and work, whilst embracing a positive, pragmatic and realistic overall outlook.

This is why I can work well with a wide range of objectives, people and organisations, and use empathy, flexibility, and realism to make a unique contribution in most cases.

In short, I know a lot of things and enjoy using different kinds of knowledge to serve a good outcome, whilst upholding a clear set of values and ethical principles. As a member and accredited member of multiple professional organisations – APECS, AC, ABP, BPS, EMCC, RSM, SGCP – I uphold  these ethical codes of practice.


“Design Thinking for Smaller Enterprise Development:
a SOCIETALbyDesign® Model for Adaptation to a Digital Age”- Routledge 2019

The book captures the zeitgeist and concerns of the new Millennium and offers a fresh view on how business can be successful by benefiting the wider society it should serve. It also highlights the systemic negative impact of a consumption and profit-focused economy and introduces an original model – SOCIETALByDesign® – as a constructive alternative to relentless resource depletion, through an agile, adaptive, and respectful enterprise, which protects nature and civilisation and embraces a balanced and holistic purpose to serve people, planet and a positive legacy, as the heart of its very reason of being. The original SOCIETALByDesign® model positions purpose, principles, framework and current techniques for a modern business to utilise and holistically integrate benefits for employees, society and environment thought its products and services. The SOCIETALByDesign® model links purpose and business and synthesises an operating model that can be adopted, adapted and applied by any enterprise wishing to focus on shared prosperity and the good of people and planet instead of profit at any price.

Coaching with Careers and AI in Mind: Grounding a Hopeful and Resourceful Self Fit for a Digital World – Routlegde 2018

The book presents an integrated overview of life and career options for individuals caught in the transition to a new world of work – impacted by the fourth digital revolution – and the tension this creates. The book synthesises extensive career coaching experience, relevant models, scientific thinking, practical tips and research-based information about the future of work in a digital world. This is followed by a positive message and call to action, to build a strong personal core as a point of reference that enables change and flexible adaptation, to meet the future with hope and a better chance for success.

SPEAKER – English – French – Romanian

My presentation topics are typically integrative (cross functional and inter disciplinary) and revolve around “people in business and society” in the global digital economy of the new millennium, covering for example: organisation development, HR strategy and talent management, science and practice related models and frameworks, technology, digitalisation and AI, quality management, ethics, philosophy, industry 4.0 manufacturing and supply chain, cultures, business and consumer psychology, neuroscience etc.

Example of titles:

“Coaching for organizational effectiveness”

“Employee Engagement”

“Valuing the individual: the one core of Quality Management, HRM and Business Psychology”

 “Cross cultural competency for business advantage”

“Career Management Magic!”

“Psychology and Innovation”

“Culture and onions, what have they got in common”

“Soft” aspects of quality, the real “hard” key indicator for organisational success

 “Talent Management in organizations”

 “What makes a successful auditor: technical vs. soft skills ?”

“Soft aspects of quality, an integral part of business psychology”

,”The Unified Theory of Coaching and The Unified Coaching Model”